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Payroll Services

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Specialist Payroll Services

We provide a specialist payroll service for those businesses that wish to contract out their payroll departments

Administering your payroll can be time-consuming and burdensome, diverting energy and resources from the core activities of your business. The task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties for non-compliance.



HUSA Accounting Services: Simplifying Payroll 

Our comprehensive and confidential payroll department can provide the following services:

Complete administration of PAYE, national insurance, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, statutory paternity pay, and adoption pay. Customised payslips P45's, P11Ds, P9Ds and P60s.

Completion of statutory forms, including year-end returns, to issue to your employees and submit to the Inland Revenue. All our returns are now made electronically.

Summaries and analyses of staff costs on a monthly or weekly basis as required. For compliance purposes all returns and administration of payroll is done electronically. Payslips can be emailed securely, and all returns made to HMRC are done electronically. Reducing errors and saving time.

In addition, we can undertake a health check to determine if employers, employees or any directors have any PAYE or benefit issues to be addressed. With more businesses than ever likely to be investigated for PAYE and benefit in kind irregularities, we can help get you on the right track.

Please get in contact with HUSA if you are searching for payroll services. Our reliable team and specialist software form the payroll services that guarantee a simplified administrative work life for you.

Why Choose HUSA Accounting for Payroll Services?

  • Expertise: Our team of payroll specialists are well-versed in the intricacies of payroll processing and tax compliance.

  • Security: We prioritise data security and use industry-standard encryption to protect sensitive payroll information.

  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing payroll tasks to us can save your clients time and money, allowing you to focus on more lucrative financial services.

  • Reliability: We guarantee timely and accurate payroll processing, ensuring your clients are always in good standing with their employees.

  • Scalability: We can adapt to your clients' needs as their businesses grow, making us a valuable long-term partner.